Isaac Asimov: On Disease and Extinction

The rapid death of unusually high numbers of human beings through disease can seriously dent the human population. Carried to an extreme, it is not too hard to imagine it wiping out the human species. — Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asimov quotation: The rapid death of unusually high numbers of human beings through disease can seriously dent the human population. Carried to an extreme, it is not too hard to imagine it wiping out the human species.

The rapid death of unusually high numbers of human beings through disease can seriously dent the human population. Carried to an extreme, it is not too hard to imagine it wiping out the human species. — Isaac Asimov #death #extinction Share on X

Death by Design is the new apocalyptic thriller from John Graves. If you love thrillers, you will love this first book in The Tracker Series.

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