Save a Planet, Kill the Rich

Save a Planet. Kill the Rich. — NYC Climate Strike attendee

Save a Planet. Kill the Rich. — NYC Climate Strike attendee

Save a Planet. Kill the Rich. — NYC Climate Strike attendee #climatechange #climatestrike #therich Share on X

Death by Design by John Graves is a revealing biothriller. Those who are trying to save the planet from climate change will do anything. They will kill the rich. They will kill the poor. They are coming for you! Read Death by Design via Amazon:

Death by Design by John Graves is a revealing biothriller. Those who are trying to save the planet from climate change will do anything. They will kill the rich. They will kill the poor. They are coming for you! Share on X

Kill the Rich Tweets

Only the rich fuckers will survive. The rest of us are fucked. Wanna save the planet? Then you got to kill the problem, which is humans. We need another good war to reduce the population or a good old pandemic. — BitByteRecycle tweet

BitByteRecycle kill the rich tweet

71% of all carbon emissions are caused by 100 corporations. If we all just kill 1 oil exec each, the problem will be solved. Execute the rich, end capitalism, save the planet. — Daring Hard Ox tweet

Poor people should kill all of the rich people in order to save humanity and the planet. — The Muslimz tweet

The Muslimz: Poor people should kill all of the rich people in order to save humanity and the planet.

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Biothrillers Death Quotes

Club of Rome: A Common Enemy

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