Death Quotes

Olga Jonas on Pathogens

Olga Jonas: On Pathogens Spreading

A pathogen that begins in a remote town can reach major cities on all six continents in 36 hours. — Olga B. Jonas Death by Design is a story revealing how a single pathogen could destroy all the peoples on the Earth. You can buy and read Death by Design via Amazon: There are 23 free […]

Paul Ehrlich on Cheap Energy

Paul Ehrlich: On Cheap Abundant Energy

Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun. — Paul Ehrlich, biologist and author of The Population Bomb Death by Design is a story revealing how bioterrorists would destroy cheap energy and real people to save the Earth. You can buy and read Death by Design via […]

Extinction of Homo Sapiens

Ingrid Newkirk: On the Extinction of Homo Sapiens

The extinction of Homo Sapiens would mean survival for millions, if not billions, of Earth-dwelling species. Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on Earth – social and environmental. — Ingrid Newkirk, President of PETA Death by Design is a story revealing how ecoterrorists would eliminate humans to solve the problems of the […]

Humans Are Like Slugs

John Davis: On Humans as Slugs

Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs. — John Davis, Editor, Earth First! Journal Death by Design is a story how the ecoterrorists would eliminate humans as easily as stepping on a slug. You can buy and read Death by Design via Amazon:

Isaac Asimov quotation

Isaac Asimov: On Disease and Extinction

The rapid death of unusually high numbers of human beings through disease can seriously dent the human population. Carried to an extreme, it is not too hard to imagine it wiping out the human species. — Isaac Asimov Death by Design is the new apocalyptic thriller from John Graves. If you love thrillers, you will love […]