Reduce Humanity to Save Planet Earth?

Many Want to Reduce – or Eliminate – Humanity to Save Planet Earth . . .

Al Gore
Ted Turner
Jacques Cousteau
Paul Erlich
David Rockefeller
David Attenborough
Michael Oppenheimer
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Jeremy Rifkin
Maurice Strong
The Club of Rome
The Humane Society
The UN
The Sierra Club

Death by Design is a story how their cleansing might occur… You can buy and read Death by Design via Amazon:

Reduce Humanity to Save Planet Earth?

Death by Design is the new apocalyptic thriller from John Graves. If you love thrillers, you will love this first book in The Tracker Series.

Many Want to Reduce – or Eliminate – Humanity to Save Planet Earth: Al Gore, Ted Turner, Jacques Cousteau, Paul Erlich, David Rockefeller, David Attenborough, Michael Oppenheimer, Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, Jeremy Rifkin, Maurice Strong... Share on X
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