Life by Chance: An Excerpt
The phone chirped. Dr. Blake tapped and an ancient voice spoke. “Heh, young lady. How’s my girl today?” “Jake? Is this you? Oh my God, I am so surprised! What, I mean how, I mean…” “Shh. You have a particularly important person with you. You must do nothing to disturb her – or allow her […]
Death by Design, a Thriller by John Graves
Death by Design is the new apocalyptic thriller from John Graves. If you love thrillers, you will love this first book in The Tracker Series. Navy Seal. Mossad agent. I am the Storm! CEO of the world’s most exclusive executive protection agency, Tracker is now on her most dangerous mission ever attempted—exterminate mankind! Tracker has […]
Can You Save the World?
Can You Save the World? From diseases? From nuclear attack? From destruction of food supplies? From CRSPR-CAS 9? From Nanos? From suicidal mercenaries? From simultaneous attack? From Tracker? You will need all your skills and more against Tracker. She is coming to destroy all humanity. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid! Death by Design by John […]
Who Was the Worst Killer of All Time?
Who Was the Worst Killer of All Time? Nero: 100,000 Attila: 1 million Pol Pot: 2 million Charles of Spain: 5 million Leopold II of Belgium: 15 million Adolf Hitler: 22 million Jozef Stalin: 47 million Mao Zedong: 78 million Tracker: 7.5 billion She is hired to protect the planet. To achieve her goal, she […]